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Documentation categories

You can group the documentation to provide an easier user experience to navigate. This is accomplished by adding a directive to all the types you want to have grouped.

For example, we have two mutations called addCourse and dropCourse, and we want to group them under a category called Courses.

type Mutation {
AddCourse(input: String): String

type Mutation {
DropCourse(input: String): String


We can accomplish this by adding a directive called doc with a field category to each mutation.

type Mutation {
AddCourse(input: String): String @doc(category: "Course")

type Mutation {
DropCourse(input: String): String @doc(category: "Course")

We can add a fallback option called Common which is for types that we don't explicitly add a directive to.

It can be set either with the command line flag --groupByDirective:

npx docusaurus graphql-to-doc --groupByDirective "@doc(category|=Common)"

or the plugin configuration groupByDirective:

plugins: [
/** @type {import('@graphql-markdown/types').ConfigOptions} */
// ... other options
groupByDirective: {
directive: "doc",
field: "category",
fallback: "Common", // default is Miscellaneous