Integration with Frameworks
This guide provides examples for integrating GraphQL-Markdown with popular documentation frameworks.
General Integration Approachβ
Most documentation frameworks allow you to generate documentation during the build process. You can integrate GraphQL-Markdown by creating a script that runs before your documentation build.
Basic Integration Exampleβ
import { runGraphQLMarkdown } from '@graphql-markdown/cli';
const config = {
schema: './schema.graphql',
rootPath: './docs',
await runGraphQLMarkdown(config);
Framework-Specific Integrationβ
The official Docusaurus integration is available as a dedicated package:
const path = require('node:path');
module.exports = {
// ... other docusaurus config
plugins: [
schema: path.join(__dirname, 'schema.graphql'),
rootPath: path.join(__dirname, 'docs'),
baseURL: 'api',
For more details, check the @graphql-markdown/docusaurus package.
Astro Starlightβ
For Astro Starlight integration, implement a custom MDX parser:
// src/modules/astro-mdx.cjs
const parser = {
generateIndexMetafile: async (dirPath, category, options) => {
// Generate index file for a directory
formatMDXAdmonition: ({ text, title, type, icon }, meta) => {
return `::: ${type}${title ? ` ${title}` : ''}\n${text}\n:::`;
formatMDXBadge: ({ text, classname }) => {
return `<Badge variant="${classname}">${text}</Badge>`;
mdxDeclaration: 'import { Badge } from \'@astrojs/starlight/components\';'
module.exports = parser;
See complete implementation: demo-astro-starlight
Next.js with Fumadocsβ
For Next.js using Fumadocs, implement a custom MDX parser:
// lib/fumadocs-mdx.cjs
const parser = {
generateIndexMetafile: async (dirPath, category, options) => {
// Generate index file for a directory
formatMDXAdmonition: ({ text, title, type }, meta) => {
return `<Callout type="${type}">${title ? `**${title}**: ` : ''}${text}</Callout>`;
formatMDXBadge: ({ text, classname }) => {
return `<Badge variant="${classname}">${text}</Badge>`;
formatMDXDetails: ({ dataOpen, dataClose }) => {
return `<Collapsible summary="${dataOpen}">\n\n${dataClose}\n\n</Collapsible>`;
mdxDeclaration: `import { Callout } from '@fumadocs/core';
import { Badge, Collapsible } from '@/components';`
module.exports = parser;
Full implementation: fumadocs-mdx.cjs
For VuePress integration, implement a custom MDX parser:
// src/vuepress-mdx.cjs
const parser = {
formatMDXAdmonition: ({ text, title, type }, meta) => {
return `::: ${type}${title ? ` ${title}` : ''}\n${text}\n:::`;
formatMDXBadge: ({ text, classname }) => {
return `<Badge type="${classname}" text="${text}" />`;
mdxDeclaration: `import { Badge } from '@vuepress/theme-default/lib/client/components'`
module.exports = parser;
For Gatsby integration, implement a custom MDX parser:
// src/gatsby-mdx.cjs
const parser = {
formatMDXAdmonition: ({ text, title, type }, meta) => {
return `<Alert variant="${type}">${title ? `**${title}**: ` : ''}${text}</Alert>`;
formatMDXBadge: ({ text, classname }) => {
return `<Badge variant="${classname}">${text}</Badge>`;
mdxDeclaration: `import { Alert, Badge } from '@chakra-ui/react';`
module.exports = parser;