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Media list query

id: Int
userId: Int
userName: String
type: MediaType
status: MediaListStatus
mediaId: Int
isFollowing: Boolean
notes: String
startedAt: FuzzyDateInt
completedAt: FuzzyDateInt
compareWithAuthList: Boolean
userId_in: [Int]
status_in: [MediaListStatus]
status_not_in: [MediaListStatus]
status_not: MediaListStatus
mediaId_in: [Int]
mediaId_not_in: [Int]
notes_like: String
startedAt_greater: FuzzyDateInt
startedAt_lesser: FuzzyDateInt
startedAt_like: String
completedAt_greater: FuzzyDateInt
completedAt_lesser: FuzzyDateInt
completedAt_like: String
sort: [MediaListSort]
): MediaList

Arguments ● Int scalar

Filter by a list entry's id

MediaList.userId ● Int scalar

Filter by a user's id

MediaList.userName ● String scalar

Filter by a user's name

MediaList.type ● MediaType enum

Filter by the list entries media type

MediaList.status ● MediaListStatus enum

Filter by the watching/reading status

MediaList.mediaId ● Int scalar

Filter by the media id of the list entry

MediaList.isFollowing ● Boolean scalar

Filter list entries to users who are being followed by the authenticated user

MediaList.notes ● String scalar

Filter by note words and #tags

MediaList.startedAt ● FuzzyDateInt scalar

Filter by the date the user started the media

MediaList.completedAt ● FuzzyDateInt scalar

Filter by the date the user completed the media

MediaList.compareWithAuthList ● Boolean scalar

Limit to only entries also on the auth user's list. Requires user id or name arguments.

MediaList.userId_in ● [Int] list scalar

Filter by a user's id

MediaList.status_in ● [MediaListStatus] list enum

Filter by the watching/reading status

MediaList.status_not_in ● [MediaListStatus] list enum

Filter by the watching/reading status

MediaList.status_not ● MediaListStatus enum

Filter by the watching/reading status

MediaList.mediaId_in ● [Int] list scalar

Filter by the media id of the list entry

MediaList.mediaId_not_in ● [Int] list scalar

Filter by the media id of the list entry

MediaList.notes_like ● String scalar

Filter by note words and #tags

MediaList.startedAt_greater ● FuzzyDateInt scalar

Filter by the date the user started the media

MediaList.startedAt_lesser ● FuzzyDateInt scalar

Filter by the date the user started the media

MediaList.startedAt_like ● String scalar

Filter by the date the user started the media

MediaList.completedAt_greater ● FuzzyDateInt scalar

Filter by the date the user completed the media

MediaList.completedAt_lesser ● FuzzyDateInt scalar

Filter by the date the user completed the media

MediaList.completedAt_like ● String scalar

Filter by the date the user completed the media

MediaList.sort ● [MediaListSort] list enum

The order the results will be returned in


MediaList object

List of anime or manga