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The ranking of a media in a particular time span and format compared to other media

type MediaRank {
id: Int!
rank: Int!
type: MediaRankType!
format: MediaFormat!
year: Int
season: MediaSeason
allTime: Boolean
context: String!

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The id of the rank

MediaRank.rank ● Int! non-null scalar

The numerical rank of the media

MediaRank.type ● MediaRankType! non-null enum

The type of ranking

MediaRank.format ● MediaFormat! non-null enum

The format the media is ranked within

MediaRank.year ● Int scalar

The year the media is ranked within

MediaRank.season ● MediaSeason enum

The season the media is ranked within

MediaRank.allTime ● Boolean scalar

If the ranking is based on all time instead of a season/year

MediaRank.context ● String! non-null scalar

String that gives context to the ranking type and time span

Member Of

Media object