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A user

type User {
id: Int!
name: String!
about(asHtml: Boolean): String
avatar: UserAvatar
bannerImage: String
isFollowing: Boolean
isFollower: Boolean
isBlocked: Boolean
bans: Json
options: UserOptions
mediaListOptions: MediaListOptions
favourites(page: Int): Favourites
statistics: UserStatisticTypes
unreadNotificationCount: Int
siteUrl: String
donatorTier: Int
donatorBadge: String
moderatorRoles: [ModRole]
createdAt: Int
updatedAt: Int
stats: UserStats @deprecated
moderatorStatus: String @deprecated
previousNames: [UserPreviousName]

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The id of the user ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the user

User.about ● String scalar

The bio written by user (Markdown)

User.about.asHtml ● Boolean scalar

Return the string in pre-parsed html instead of markdown

User.avatar ● UserAvatar object

The user's avatar images

User.bannerImage ● String scalar

The user's banner images

User.isFollowing ● Boolean scalar

If the authenticated user if following this user

User.isFollower ● Boolean scalar

If this user if following the authenticated user

User.isBlocked ● Boolean scalar

If the user is blocked by the authenticated user

User.bans ● Json scalar

User.options ● UserOptions object

The user's general options

User.mediaListOptions ● MediaListOptions object

The user's media list options

User.favourites ● Favourites object

The users favourites ● Int scalar

Deprecated. Use page arguments on each favourite field instead.

User.statistics ● UserStatisticTypes object

The users anime & manga list statistics

User.unreadNotificationCount ● Int scalar

The number of unread notifications the user has

User.siteUrl ● String scalar

The url for the user page on the AniList website

User.donatorTier ● Int scalar

The donation tier of the user

User.donatorBadge ● String scalar

Custom donation badge text

User.moderatorRoles ● [ModRole] list enum

The user's moderator roles if they are a site moderator

User.createdAt ● Int scalar

When the user's account was created. (Does not exist for accounts created before 2020)

User.updatedAt ● Int scalar

When the user's data was last updated

User.previousNames ● [UserPreviousName] list object

The user's previously used names.

Show deprecated

Returned By

Follower query ● Following query ● Like query ● ToggleFollow mutation ● ToggleLike mutation ● UpdateUser mutation ● User query ● Viewer query

Member Of

ActivityLikeNotification object ● ActivityMentionNotification object ● ActivityMessageNotification object ● ActivityReply object ● ActivityReplyLikeNotification object ● ActivityReplyNotification object ● ActivityReplySubscribedNotification object ● AniChartUser object ● CharacterSubmission object ● FollowingNotification object ● InternalPage object ● ListActivity object ● MediaList object ● MediaListCollection object ● MediaSubmission object ● MessageActivity object ● ModAction object ● Page object ● Recommendation object ● Report object ● Review object ● RevisionHistory object ● Staff object ● StaffSubmission object ● TextActivity object ● Thread object ● ThreadComment object ● ThreadCommentLikeNotification object ● ThreadCommentMentionNotification object ● ThreadCommentReplyNotification object ● ThreadCommentSubscribedNotification object ● ThreadLikeNotification object ● UserModData object