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Schema Documentation

This is an example of documentation grouping with GraphQL directive using the groupByDirective option (see documentation):

schema: "data/schema_with_grouping.graphql",
baseURL: ".",
linkRoot: "/examples/group-by",
homepage: "data/",
groupByDirective: {
directive: "doc",
field: "category",
fallback: "Common"
docOptions: {
index: true,
printTypeOptions: {
deprecated: "group",
exampleSection: true,
parentTypePrefix: false,
relatedTypeSection: false,
typeBadges: true,
useApiGroup: false,
skipDocDirective: ["@noDoc"],
customDirective: {
auth: {
descriptor: (directive, type) =>
"This requires the current user to be in `${requires}` role.",
complexity: {
descriptor: (directive, type) => {
const { value, multipliers } = getTypeDirectiveValues(directive, type);
const multiplierDescription = multipliers
? ` per ${ => `\`${v}\``).join(", ")}`
: "";
return `This has an additional cost of \`${value}\` points${multiplierDescription}.`;
Generated on 5/2/2024, 6:06:08 PM.